Wow, I am actually writing two posts in one day. I guess I am catching up for my lack over the past month. A friend of mine asked me yesterday if I would design and format this beautiful poem that she was given many years ago when she gave birth to a Special Child. It touched my heart and it brought tears to my eyes as well, because I too have been blessed with a special child, 2 special grandchildren, a special sister in law, and a special sister. Who knew way back when we decided take the leap and to come to earth, what life would have in store for us. We only knew that it wouldn't be a piece of cake, but we were given the tools to do whatever came our way. Sometimes it was harder than others, but God knew that we could do it, and so he sent his most special children into our lives and family. I hope you enjoy this beautiful poem and if I knew where it originally came from, I would give them credit, however it does list the authors name on it. I designed it for my friend in several different colors so she could pick which one she wanted to put up on her wall to match. Enjoy and feel free to pass this along.